5 reasons you should start lifting weights today -
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5 reasons you should start lifting weights today

5 things about weightlifting women should know

5 reasons women should know about weight lifting


Step into a gym and most likely you’ll encounter countless of females running on treadmill instead of performing heavy compound movements. For them, heavy lifting is only reserved for people who want to look huge, and they are aiming to look ‘toned’ instead of bulky.

After all, fitness magazines cover are often littered with bodybuilders holding a dumbbell with their vein-popping arms, so it’s natural for women to opt for stair climbers and elliptical bikes instead of free weights.

But here’s the thing: What if I tell you resistance training actually helps to give you a firmer butt, hourglass body, and tighten up the flabby arms of yours? Performing weight lifting activities at least 3 times a week will make you look AND feel good, and if you have never picked up a single dumbbell before in your life, then you’re missing out on a ton of benefits that come along with it.


Here are 5 reasons why you shouldn’t neglect weight training:

a. It Helps In Transforming Your Body Into A Fat Burning Furnace
Every single slab of muscle that was added to your body frame contributes to the fat burning process. As the amount of lean muscle mass increases, so does your basal metabolic rate. Furthermore, an intense weight lifting session combined with minimal rest will ramp up your excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), which lasts up to 38 hours after your last exercise session!
b. It Prevents Muscular Imbalance
Carrying a baby, groceries, or even a handbag with only one hand will cause muscular imbalance, as one side of your body is stronger than another. As a result, the weaker muscle group will often compensate for the movement with improper posture, which might lead to injuries in the long run. Consider incorporating unilateral exercises into your routine, as your dominant hand will instinctively take over when you perform bilateral exercises.

c. It Decreases Your Risk Of Osteoporosis
Over the past decade, there were plenty of case studies done on postmenopausal women who engaged in weight-bearing activities, and the results have shown that there’s a positive relation between bone density and regular resistance training. Apart from that, free weight exercises also help in training the synergists, which is a key component in maintaining our stability and coordination.

d. It Helps In Preventing Injuries
Compound movements such as deadlift and squat strengthen the posterior chain, providing you with the energy needed to move heavy loads without the risk of injuring your lower back. As you pile on the weights, it puts your ligament, fascia, and tendon under a certain tension, thereby forcing it to grow in order to adapt to the heavier load. As time goes by, you’ll find it easier to exert force without the need to strain yourself.

e. You Will Have A Healthier Heart
There are plenty of evidence suggesting that regular participation in weight lifting activities assist in lowering LDL cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and contribute to a better lipid and lipoprotein profile. Moreover, an increase in exercise level also contributes to a higher level of HDL, which helps in transporting the bad cholesterol away from your heart.


But.. I Have Seen Women Who Look Very Muscular?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but female bodybuilders often inject themselves with anabolic steroids, which causes a spike in their testosterone level. This is evidenced by hair growth in the chest and face area, an increase in muscle mass, deeper voice, and possibly acnes on their back.
The reason why they have decided to go down this road is because women have a much lower testosterone level compared to men. Prolonged usage of such substance will result in health risks such as liver, heart and prostate disease, gynecomastia, and gonadal suppression.

Bottom line, you should strive to perform weight lifting exercises on a regular basis to get a feminine, tight, and sexy ‘ASSets’ that’ll attract members of the opposite sex like a flower attracting honey bees.

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